My Story
I joined scentsy as my sister hoped for a team member and felt I would enjoy it, I was just going to happily earn scentsy free. I was unsure I could do it due to confidence and anxiety difficulties! That was until i began selling and making friends and most importantly - growing in confidence! How could it have taken me 28 years to get here and 8 months to completely change me? Okay I’m still not your excessively confident person but I can do so much I couldn’t before.
Ive never looked back! Ive earnt commision, a totally free 7 day Mediterranean cruise and my life has been totally changed for the better.
The confidence and friends i have gained during my journey are irreplacable, im a different person, i can speak to new people! Go places alone none of which i could do previous to scentsy. The company as a whole are amazing! The commision, free credit, incentives ect all bonuses of a job i really enjoy doing. Thanks to scentsy mine & my families lives are changed forever. Ive even begun to build my own team! Im still working on my confidence and anxiety ( thanks covid/lockdown for that! ) but l will get back there with scentsy to help me!
My family’s life was changed in 2021 when my partner suffered a life threatening stroke. 2 months in a coma and 4 months in hospital plus a further 6 months between hospitals and a Neuro rehabilitation, I still continued with scentsy it gave me the outlet I needed once my children were in bed and I couldn’t sleep I could focus on my business and continue making extra money. My partner arrived home in Dec of 2021 and scentsy has still given my that time to focus on something and continue to make the extra money we need as a family.